Personal training plan development
Training plan is developed individually for each athlete and his or her sports discipline.
The aim of the training plan is to remove athlete's limiting factors and increase performance.
The program is designed to increase endurance, speed, power, strength and coordination skills.
Training plan is divided in 16x three-week blocks (mesocycles). Each week (microcycle) is described in details day by day. Every training day is described in details with each training unit, exercise, sets and reps.
Training plan also includes instruction to your trainings, mesocycles, microcycles and recommendations to dietary supplements.
Before the development of your personal training plan it is suitable to undergo laboratory-based sport testing to determine your current endurance, speed and power capabilities. Undergoing these tests will allow developing a more precise training plan and to better compare your conditioning before and after you started training.
Samples of the training plan can be seen below
On the video below you can see conditioning training of Martin Kolman who is 2nd best water skier in the world.